King of Retail and much more


King of Retail and much more - Miloš Staněk

Miloš Staněk is a highly successful and respected entrepreneur with businesses and investments spanning the residential, retail and leisure sectors. He co-founded Potten & Pannen-Staněk (P&P) in 1992 – which imports, distributes, and retails premium quality kitchen equipment with twelve physical stores across CEE as well as online retailing.

Miloš has an enviable business network with many clients in the property world, which organically brought about collaborations with P&P, and thus fostering a bigger vision of creating his own real estate company. His passion for real estate was further enhanced by his personal experience of a unique restoration project - turning an historic old-school building and converting this into a family home with a gourmet academy kitchen.

I met Miloš in person a couple of years ago in Prague. Our work together started with negotiating commercial terms and potential partnership for planned department store in Prague. What I truly appreciated was his professional attitude, calm, focused approach and the aim to find fair and feasible solutions that works for both parties. For the long time, I admire him and his business partner at P&P - Pavel Staněk, for their ability to transform vision into great reality, constantly seeking new ways how to improve what they do, their attitude to business partners, and actually all stakeholders they work with. Both of them are the leaders who walk their talk! In the past months, our conversations with Miloš were a lot about the Real Estate industry and the way we saw and still see its development in the near and midterm future. We learnt that our vision, ideas, passion and customer care are very much aligned and agreed to partner in Matthews & Partners.

I am very proud to introduce and interview Miloš, my business partner at Matthews & Partners.

Would you introduce yourself, Miloši?

I am spontaneous, fun, committed and passionate about all I do. The “magic” is to foresee and set new trends – that is actually something that is part of my life daily. 

In the business, I never followed business books. I rely on my gut feeling. I embrace opportunities rather then forcing things to happen.

I work in retail for over then 28 years. I learnt from the best professionals internationally, and from the daily experience. I opened my first business back in 1990, just a year after the Velvet revolution.

I have already mentioned our partnership. Let ́s share a bit about us.

During our conversations we agreed that the real estate landscape will change considerably over the next few years and beyond. While many of the trends are already evident, the industry faces a number of fundamental shifts that will have major implications and will shape the future of real estate investment and development.

We are bringing in-depth knowledge, insight and passion, together with an extensive quality network and an exceptional awareness of the complex requirements of leasing, asset management, acquisitions and disposals.

I would add that we act as advisors and represent clients in the residential, commercial retail, leisure and hospitality industries and are unbeatable in our ability to offer clients a service – shall I rather say “care” that is at once personal, and reliable yet has all the effectiveness of a widely recognised agency.

And that means a different experience to what client might have expected and the power to make informed decisions. I also believe that there is a niché on the market for agency like us to serve our customers.

The dream and idea of going to real estate business has turned into reality thanks to meeting you, Lenka. I am also excited about our mid-term vision and further expanding our activities. Actually, I can ́t wait to share it soon with everybody.

Me too. When we were talking through the vision and our claim which would best describe us, we landed with “Solutions Beyond All Borders”.

It was amazing outcome from the dialogue we had. It captures the best our mind- set, approach, ability to see opportunities over challenges, but also the fact that we are already expanding our services outside of the Czech Republic, into Spain (to start with – shall I add).

And it is not a coincidence that we both were reminded Henry Ford ́s quote: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

Based on your experience, what do you think is important in retail, and generally in Real Estate industry?

I believe that business is personal. That is actually something you said, Lenka, when we met first time. The importance of building and maintaining relationships with people you work with. The respect for people even if you dis-agree. I learn from people who have different opinion and it does open my horizons.

Flexibility, courage, perseverance, resistance and not letting your ego to drive your personality.

Gut feeling/six sense – using both, your head and your heart. You must feel it, and this is not limited to retail, it does apply to all areas of life – certainly in my life.

Transforming the customer service into the customer care – again, personal approach.

Creating stores not only to sell, but inspire, and teach. We are keen to create unique atmosphere using music, smell of the real cooking or baking, real focus on customers.

I mentioned Henry Ford, and again .... Asking customer what they want and the ability and willingness to give them more.

And last, super important is the sales team – you could have the best product, but without the sales team, none of this would reach the customers.

I am grateful for the work of every single colleague in our company. It is a chain, and we all depend on one another. That I trust translate to the care we then provide to our customers.

I interviewed Pavel Staněk a few months ago, and I would like to use this opportunity to also ask you. What made you to decide opening your own business, Potten & Pannen concept, which is well established on the market over 28 years now? And how did you meet Pavel?

It was year 1990. I opened my first restaurant with my friend. Pavel was our customer. One day, he handed me his business card and I learnt that his surname is Staněk too. “Are you joking me” I asked him still looking at this business card. Well, and the rest is history.

It was Pavel who came with the idea to sell cookware. Back in autumn 1992 we opened our first store in Vodičkova, and again, the rest is history????

I love and am passionate about cooking until today. I was actually cooking and presenting the products myself to our customers when we opened the store. Cooking stations are part of every shop we have.

What makes you motivated to constantly seek improvements? And what have you learnt through the years in retail?

How much time do you have, Lenka?

Meeting new people, learning new, innovation, testing and launching new products, and ultimately seeing happy colleagues and customers. I knew that what we are selling stood for the quality, and it made me proud although we heard many times “you must be crazy to sell cookware for this price”.

I am a showman, I love “shocking people” ????

Although culinary industry has changed significantly over the past 30 years, I remain motivated to seek and introduce great products and teach people how to use it. Cooking is magical experience especially when shared with those you love and care about.

What keeps you busy?

You, Lenka (and we both are laughing).

We appointed a new CEO for the P&P recently. We both, me and Pavel, wanted to move this business to the next level, and gain more time for new projects and business opportunities. As I like to say, to create new challenges for myself????

I know how incredibly busy you are, but I am still going to ask you - have you read any interesting book which you could recommend us?

Book, are you serious? ???? I have a great collection, but that is something that I hardly find time.

Do you manage to keep the balance between work, and your private time?

I do my best, and being surrounded by strong women – I have no choice????

Life-personal experiences taught me the importance of having work-life balance. To take time to rest, relax and be inspired. You cannot drive car with
empty tank, can you? 

Who inspires you, and why?

Miguel Ángel Jiménez, Spanish golf-legend.

I remember playing at his golf course in Spain. I was walking around when I was not playing as I really wanted to meet him in person.

I admire him, his life-style, elegance, and still hoping that I will meet him in the near future.

What would be an advice you want to share with us?

Do I look old and wise? ????

Always be yourself – in private as well as in business. The authenticity is important, otherwise you are “killing yourself”.

Is there any question you want me to ask you?

Ask me what you want, and I might answer you????

Or even better???? ask me anything you like from my personal life, and I might answer you.